Engineering in
nuclear industry

We develop and supply thermal-mechanical systems for nuclear power plants with a VVER type reactor.

Trustworthy in the task fulfillment and meeting deadlines of the project delivery

Providing high speed of any project implementation due to the skillful staff

Providing the highest quality
of service and products by virtue of modern equipment



We complete our products in the form of whole systems that perform certain unique functions at the Nuclear Energy Facility.

Such systems generally include the entire complex of thermal-mechanical equipment, including pumping equipment, pipelines and pipe valves, heat exchange and filter equipment, instrumentation and automation.

We are actively working with General Designers and General Contractors to identify systems, the purchase of which, without dividing them into different types of equipment, will ensure maximum economic effect for the State Atomic Energy Corporation ROSATOM during the facility construction.

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Разработка и поставка тепломеханических систем РЭС Инжиниринг


In cases where the customer has decided topurchase individual items of equipment, we carry out engineering work for each type ofequipment in accordance with the licensing base of a particular project.

Even in the case of supplying a complete system, each of its elements needs individual engineering, both in terms of development and coordination of technical documentation, and organization of conformity assessment, quality control.

Only after all the regulated work on an element of the system (valve, pump, pipe, etc.) has been done, it is allowed to apply it as part of the entire system.

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We give priority to our own engineering competencies in the field of thermal-mechanical equipment for nuclear facilities.


A set of equipment that performs a unique function at a nuclear energy facility.


All types of pipeline valves: valves and gate valves (shut-off valves, control valves, check valves), ball valves.


Vertical and horizontal, submersible and semi-submersible, diagonal and plunger pumps.

Heat exchange

Plate and shell&tube heat


Ion exchange, mechanical
cleaning, oil, etc.

Special steel

Titanium and super duplex
steel equipment.


Main priority

We give priority to our own engineering competencies in the field of thermal-mechanical equipment for nuclear facilities, acting as a guarantor of compliance with all requirements of the general designer and the regulatory and technical documentation adopted during the operation or construction of each particular facility.

Главный приоритет

Мы уделяем первостепенное внимание собственным инженерным компетенциям в области тепломеханического оборудования для объектов атомной отрасли, выступая гарантом выполнения всех требований генпроектировщика и нормативно-технической документации, принятой при эксплуатации или сооружении каждого конкретного объекта.

Synergy with JSC Ruspolimet

A significant company’s share belongs to the largest metallurgical enterprise in Russia. The competences of JSC Ruspolymet in the field of metallurgical technologies and the production of special alloys make it possible to ensure the production of all types of thermal-mechanical equipment, regardless of operating conditions and type of working medium.

Синергия с АО «Русполимет»

Существенная доля компании принадлежит крупнейшему металлургическому предприятию России. Компетенции АО «Русполимет» в области металлургических технологий и производства спецсплавов позволяют обеспечить производство всех видов тепломеханического оборудования независимо от условий эксплуатации и типа рабочей среды.

Major manufacturers

Among our sub-suppliers are only reliable and professional manufacturers of equipment for the power industry from all over the world: Russia, Turkey, Czech Republic, India and China.

Основные изготовители

Нашими субпоставщиками являются только надежные и профессиональные изготовители оборудования для энергетики со всего мира: России, Турции, Чехии, Индии и Китая.

Main customers

General contractors for construction of large capacity NPPs is our company’s main customer. Our main priority is to promote the implementation of large-scale plans of the division, our key partner.

Основные заказчики

Генеральные подрядчики сооружения АЭС большой мощности являются основным заказчиком нашей компании. Наш основной приоритет – содействовать реализации масштабных планов дивизиона, нашего ключевого партнера.
